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Many books on Feng Shui touch the subject either very simplified or sometimes even contradictory. You will find many book recommendations both for German and English books in the Feng Shui Shop (see link above). In this section however I would like to highlight a few of those books that should be part of any Feng Shui library.

English Feng Shui book recommendations: 

Elizabeth Moran 
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui

Through this book you are able to gain a good overview on the various methods applied in Feng Shui. It is featuring a variety of traditional methods based on the ancient knowledge. It is great first step to learn more about authentic feng shui and its applications.

Reviewed by Feng Shui For Modern Living Magazine as "an American masterpiece that tops the lot," it is now considered the feng shui bible by classical practitioners, teachers, and students of feng shui. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui, Third Edition will continue the first edition's success with the following two major additions.The revision includes coverage of the next level of a method of classical feng shui called Flying Stars. And second, for those readers interested only in arranging one's furniture to allow qi to meander in a productive pattern, this section is expanded. More photographs and floorplans are included.

Stephen Skinner:
Guide to the Feng Shui Compass: A Compendium of Classical Feng Shui

For anyone who is particularly interested in the so called compass school feng shui this book is a must-have.

This title shows you how to read the "San He" and "San Yuan lo p'an", with an explanation of each ring in detail, the history and background of feng shui and the lo p'an (luo pan). This book is packed with detailed information which is very clearly explained, so that after reading it anyone should be comfortable using even the most complex lo p'an. The book is the result of 30 years of research and practice. Over 50 rings are illustrated, tabulated, and classified by Plate and School, with their use and history. Anyone reading the book can go from being a complete novice to complete familiarity with any lo p'an, ancient or modern that they may pick up. It clearly explains for the first time in English how feng shui developed and the relationship between the San He and San Yuan Schools. There are over 65 tables, 174+ illustrations, and 32 full colour plates. These include rare pictures and analyses of Ming and Ch'ing dynasty lo p'ans. Every technical term, book title, or person's name, is carefully footnoted in traditional Chinese characters with supporting pinyin and Wade-Giles transliterations. There is a also a detailed feng shui history time-line. 


David Twicken 
Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy

The subject of Flying Star Feng Shui is rarely touched on in Feng Shui literature and only very few books are available. This one is a well-written one and is very recommended on this topic.

Flying Star Feng Shui is one of the most popular and powerful forms of Feng Shui practiced throughout Asia. Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy includes beginning and advanced methods designed specifically to assist in creating healthier, happier and more prosperous living environments. Twicken details sophisticated instructions for practicing this ancient metaphysical art and science in modern living environments.Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy includes: Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Eight Trigrams He Tu, Early and Later Heaven Ba Gua, Feng Shui Luo Pan Compass, Nine Stars, Grand Duke, Three Killings, Evil Lines, Annual Stars, Monthly Stars, Peach Blossom Romance, Sum to Ten Prosperity String of Pearls Prosperity, Parent String Prosperity, Ling Shen Prosperity, Zhao Shen Prosperity, He Tu Castle Gate Prosperity, Castle Gate Prosperity, Water and Mountain Fan Gua Prosperity, Five Ghosts Carry Money and Flying Star Charts. Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy has some of the most powerful Feng Shui methods for prosperity, most never before published in the English language. The charts are user-friendly and designed for the next twenty years, 2004-2023.

German-speaking Feng Shui literature:

Manfred Kubny 
Feng Shui: Die Struktur der Welt

Wer etwas über die Geschichte des Feng Shui's und über die Wissenschaftliche Arbeit in dem Zusammenhang erfahren möchte, dem sei das Mammutwerk von Manfred Kubny "Feng Shui: Die Struktur der Welt" ans Herz gelegt.  

Feng Shui ist im Westen zwar in aller Munde, aber die Informationen, die uns bisher aus China oder über den Umweg amerikanischer Feng-Shui-Experten erreichen, sind äußerst dünn. Die bisherige Vermittlung von Feng Shui in den Westen zielte auf eine leicht verständliche Anwendbarkeit von Methoden aus der chinesischen Geomantie. Der Sinologe Manfred Kubny legt nun erstmals ein Buch vor, in dem er anhand chinesischer Urtexte die Geschichte des Feng Shui und die der chinesischen Raumpsychologie zugrundeliegende Philosophie umfassend darstellt.

Richard Wilhelm:
I Ging. Das Buch der Wandlungen

Wer sich tiefer mit dem Feng Shui befasst, der wird mehr über die Chinesischen Philosophien wie z.B. der Daoistischen wissen wollen. Ein Klassiker der unweigerlich auftauchen wird, ist das I-Ging (auch "Yijing" oder "I Ching" geschrieben).

Das I Ging ist das älteste Buch Chinas. Als Orakel befragt, gibt es vor, wie man in einer konkreten Situation handeln soll. Es sagt nicht eine fest determinierte Zukunft voraus, sondern zeigt dem Fragenden, bildhaft verschlüsselt, die Gegenwart und auch die Richtung, in die sie tendiert: eben den Wandel. In den 64 Hexagrammen baut sich eine geniale Weltformel auf: einerseits ein geschlossenes philosophisches System, andererseits ein Ansatz, die Welt intuitiv und poetisch zu erfassen. Die legendäre, sprachlich tiefe Übersetzung Richard Wilhelms, die sich seit Jahrzehnten bei den I-Ging-Benutzern als Standardtext durchgesetzt hat.